As parents, we think about the well-being of our kids. We want to give them all the love and care in the world. But, unfortunately for some families, that is not possible. Parents face making complex decisions that might change their children’s lives forever. With disabilities, these situations are often more common than not. It is essential to understand how parents care for their children to help when needed.
A child born with a disability needs constant attention and care from parents or guardians all day long, every single day for their entire life. Parents need to be aware of any changes in their child’s behavior because this may indicate that something is wrong.
What are the Different Types of Disabilities?
People with disabilities generally lack a specific skill or ability that other people take for granted. These disabilities can come in many forms and affect many areas of the body and mind. There are hundreds of different disabilities, but we will explore some common ones that you should know about.
The most common disabilities are as follows:
Cerebral Palsy
Cerebral palsy is a condition that causes problems with muscle control, coordination, and speech. These problems can include slow movements and difficulties walking. It also affects how someone speaks by making sounds unclear. The injury can damage one or more parts of the brain, which leads to muscle tightness, spasms, and lack of coordination. This disability typically affects movement and posture, causing difficulties with everyday tasks such as writing and brushing teeth. Cerebral palsy is not curable, but treatments help sufferers manage the symptoms and reduce their impact.
Developmental disability
Developmental disability is one of the most common disabilities globally that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. This term describes any disability that develops over time, including mental, physical, and cognitive disabilities. A developmental disability can affect people in diverse ways and at different rates.
Some developmental disabilities might be caused by an accident or injury before birth (before brain development). These types of disabilities are called congenital developmental disabilities or congenital disabilities. Other developmental disabilities are caused by diseases, infections, or other health problems during pregnancy (before brain development). These types of disabilities are called perinatal developmental disabilities or birth injuries.
The Stigma Behind Children Living with Special Needs
Social stigma is a significant concern for children living with special needs. Society often portrays these kids negatively, as though they are abnormal and less capable than those without these disabilities. There is no difference between the abilities of those with and without disabilities.
To combat this social stigma, we need to focus on raising awareness and empathy for those labeled as different. We should also create a more inclusive environment for all people, not just those with disabilities.
How to Understand & Support Your Child With Special Needs
This article explains the importance of understanding that your child may not be like other children and how to go about supporting them.
The first step towards understanding your child’s special needs is to realize that these differences do not reflect the individual’s innate intelligence. Children with disabilities are bright, have feelings, and deserve respect just as others do.
Parents must also understand that what works for one child may not work for another. What might be very effective for one child with special needs might do nothing for another child without them.
The History of Art Therapy
Art therapy is a type of psychotherapy that uses art-making as the primary form of therapeutic expression. Art therapists use art materials and techniques to create a space for dialogue and exploration. Art therapists use the therapeutic power of art-making activities to help patients explore their feelings and find new ways to cope with illness and loss.
There are two distinct types of art therapy: expressive and non-expressive. Expressive art therapy is when the client expresses themselves through drawing, painting, sculpting, or any other form of creative expression. Non-expressive art therapy is when the client does not create anything but instead focuses on looking at or discussing what they see in their artwork.
The first documented art therapy was in 1892 by Dr. Albert C. Barnes. He used it to help his patients express their emotions through painting during their physical rehabilitation after an accident or illness.
The Importance of Parenting a Child With Special Needs
This article concludes that there are many benefits to parenting a child with special needs and that parents need to prioritize themselves and their children with special needs.
Parents need to prioritize themselves as well as their children with special needs.
Parents should not feel guilty about having their own life
Parents should not neglect non-special-needs children
Special-needs children can be more caring and attentive
Parents should be open-minded and give the child an opportunity to find what they enjoy